Saturday, February 14, 2015

A higher power will always make sense of your confusion; when it does, you will know. What seemed impossible to get in the front of will now be found behind you. That is when you look back with a very different reality. Let the lessons learned wash over you. It's not the events that create hiccups in life, it is the lack of experience and the way you handle what's in front of you, it's the ego that refuses to  be wrong and fails to see the duality of events with multiple levels,  that the possibility of a better way to deal with life's unpleasant obstacles evades you until you have been through it —you will find there was no better way out than through it.

There has never been anything one dimensional about people except your own point of view. Nothing works alone in this universe, it takes a women to create life, it takes air to sustain that life and without the hands on a clock we would be without time. The belief,if you want it done right you must do it your self is an illusion and against the cosmic proof of contingency. Everything relies on something, ever hear, if you just stop relying on others you would have never have failed. It's impossible not to rely on another, you may believe it was all you but even inadvertently it takes inertia to propel you to move forward, muscles to stand and the floor the builder put beneath your feet to keep you from falling into the basement and the perfect pressure of both push and pull that suspends our orbiting planet that keeps you from floating into space. If you still believe you're best off just taking care of you, think again! Looking out for others is a reciprocal benefit of a large population, a benefit rarely utilized— even more now in the generation of obsessive screen time without limitations.  

Every single thing including yourself are made up of atoms. While atoms have a central nucleus and occupy a fixed space, it still shares that space with, for one, electrons.  When electrons become energized they rise out of their natural orbital and only when it returns to normal does a photon release,  that is light emitting energy and humans are true light source energy. We cannot see the electricity that powers the TV but I know it exist because I am a logical person but other logical people refuse to believe in Life after death, that should be rephrased and replaced with life after lessons.  Energy cannot seize or experience death, it can only breakdown into smaller particles and dissipate into the atmosphere. The cycle of life is constant and absolute because it's eternally recycling itself. If you believe you are the only one that fails to do so, you have that right but personally that's just your fat ego made stronger by a moving mouth. Just flexing my free speech right and probably getting on a few last nerves.

Don't believe everything you hear. Anyone who believes they have arrived where they are alone would gain a lot if they learned to see beyond a single dimension— let's call that the "me" dimension, a false reality, my friends.

Stepping outside one's comfort zone brings new opportunity. No one like to be uncomfortable, it is only when we are faced with discomfort that we are truly growing. Like a child whose bones are expanding and we reassure them they are only growing pains. No one tells you growing pains continue on as a big part of the rest of your life.

I have heard there is no such thing as failure, that's bull!!
Of course there is failure, to never fail at all is failure in its highest form; while avoiding all risk, one cannot help but to fall short of what might have been.

Ever try this?

Work slowly backward from the most recent life changing event and connect it to its former event and so on. You will see a chain of events that without one the other could never have derived. Years can pass leaving you with a feeling of wasted time, when you use this reverse process, you realize every day was a lesson guiding you toward your life purpose, everyone has a purpose. Life is not about being the most successful, or the most envied, or the most confident. It's not about being the best, very easily misunderstood when we question our innate competitive natures. What drives us to go further, stay where we are or find comfort in falling behind. What sets us apart is the reason we exist. Life is not some undetermined length of time forced upon you at birth, it is however a lesson, one in which you helped to carefully create with every single soul who has ever played a part in your previous journey. Think of life as a predetermined perfect path with endless choices, how you reach your final destination is not important, you will reach it with or without will, there is only one ending, but every ending is Individual for each specific life, encasing a soul traveling around on borrowed time in a borrowed vehicle that works like a perfect ticking clock, with a heart that beats, forcing the flow of blood, able to control internal temperatures, and my favorite, hair that detangles easier than a pair of earbuds. If there were no system in place, in every living thing someone would have to program seeds to do their job they would lack the ability to determine when the time is perfect to germinate. It's inner workings knows the direction of the sun, it knows the season that's right for blossom and offer a timely harvest. It's no mistake humans and seeds both carry out life sustaining jobs but only one needs a brain.  It's no mistake that trillions of countless species communicate the same way except humans. Without vocal vibration you are rendered speechless while animals know to sense and share kinetically. We just know if one sense fails, another improves,  who decides, an automatic heightening of another sense later proves to be the most practical and necessary of them all but only when looking back.  

The most  obvious lesson to master throughout the entire course of your life is to adapt to communicating in the form you lack, in kinetic transfer of thoughts. This is the most overlooked. When our borrowed time expires we lose our vehicle, what's left is energy, energy must propel forward and we shed what we no longer need. If you failed to learn to speak without the vibration of the physical body, then you will also have failed at learning to control harmful judgmental and unhealthy thoughts that were not practiced away. Not only do we learn to be the best we can be but also we learn you are not only what you do but what you think. We must  think before we act therefore proper thoughts lead to proper actions, until finally we learn to find balance, what's that consist of? Well, it's  our thoughts feelings and actions all aligned and

Life is an experience. Part of life will be lessons found during a time of increase, then during a time of decrease, a constant transfer of ups and downs that force contrast and parallels to become your best friend.

It takes a dose of evil to appreciate what's good, it takes darkness to notice there is light and those inflicting pain are without empathy until the pain they dished out comes full circle back to them, empathy is learned and pain is no longer in continuity. People, unable to sympathize with those they view beneath them will not change until they have been forced to join the considered lowly, accept the validity of the space you occupy, it's not permanent, nothing is, but if you fail to genuinely associate,  you will be condemned to repeat the process later in

Look for and ask for guidance to carry out your life's  purpose as best as you can. Trust you are always where you belong or you wouldn't ever be there and try to master the experience, you cannot complete a puzzle without every piece.

You can go back through experiences, revisit them long enough to gather what you need but be sure not to relive the experience. Reliving is just as painful as the actual event and won't allow you to see your past in more than one dimension it' scratches at old wounds not allowing one to heal, revisiting allows a glimpse to see overlooked mistakes in a multidimensional view with time and exceptional focused on fixing and healing.  

The Lost Art Of Communication

It's unsettling to see a persons religious freedom of expression, their tradition and identity
being attacked because it differs from their own.. It's a sign of fear. Undermining one's belief system while bragging of their own seems selfish, closed minded and purely counterproductive.

If we focused more on how we affect others with our words,
both cruel and kind and less on— mine is better than yours;
then, ultimately, it reduces to playing nice in the sand box,
sharing your toys and if someone chokes, have a big enough heart to attempt CPR rather than record it on your smart phone, oh and be willing to receive
a hug in return without reservation.

We are all programmed innately to survive and to love, how we accomplish
this life long task is individual yes, but never done alone; so take consideration for everyone
no matter what their denomination. Reading about someone's religious beliefs through a social media outlet doesn't convert you, it merely educates!  

Consider how ridiculous humans look in the eyes of every other species.
Humans are the only breed who need a mouth to communicate.
My cat and dog never bitch to one another about who or how they pray; they do however, warn each other of eminent danger without ever uttering a single word.
Ant's, they can walk a straight line without a velvet rope. Birds, they never negotiate a traffic jam and apes, they were just fine without sign language. In my own frustration the culprit
here, is a big inflated ego. Keep yours in check!

~Lena Castronova